#1184414: The Automotive Cyber Security Summit: October 25-27 San Francisco

Description: The Automotive Cyber Security Summit is for practitioners in the automobile industry who are working to predict and mitigate both current and future risks due to technology. The event brings together experts from across the auto industry, including manufactures, designers and providers of on-demand services and autonomous vehicles. The focus of the conference is system design so vehicles can be connected and protected.

I'll be speaking on the cyber threat.

From the conference site:

Our Automotive Cyber Security series has proved to present the hottest and most pertinent topics within the automotive cyber sector. A combined 250+ attendees filled our most recent iterations, with a massive 65% increase in attendance over the past year.

We learned from GM, Kia, Volkswagen, and Mercedes-Benz (to name a few!) about how the Automotive Cyber Security market will globally grow to over $700 million by 2025. Over 60 million vehicles are predicted to be using cyber security solutions and services within the next decade.

As more automotive companies demand cyber security solutions to ensure the safety of connected vehicles from cyber attacks, the conversation must be expanded. That’s where the 6th Automotive Cyber Security Summit – Silicon Valley 2017 comes in, covering stories from OEM and Tier-1 suppliers that relate to cyber security threats, enterprise IT security, federal and state regulations, and end to end cloud security.

For more and to register see: https://automotivecybersecurity.iqpc.com/
More info: https://ctovision.com/automotive-cyber-security-summit-october-25-27-san-francisco/

Date added Oct. 17, 2017, 4:15 p.m.
Source CTO Vision
  • Conferences and Seminars North America
  • Connected Cars / Ships / Smart Vehicles / Smart cars - Various
Venue San Francisco, Oct. 25, 2017, midnight - Oct. 27, 2017, midnight
Country USA