#1200053: S4x19 ICS Conference (date change) Miami, USA

Description: http://www.digitalbond.com/s4/

Digital Bond’s S4 Events are the most advanced and largest ICS cyber security events in the world. They feature great leading/bleeding edge content, the top expert presenters and attendees, exciting locations and a lot of fun. If you want to see the caliber of the sessions, look at the past videos on the S4 Events YouTube Channel.

Save The Date!
S4x19 – January 22-24 in Miami South Beach
This is that wrong date, apparently
More info: https://mailchi.mp/digitalbond/ics-security-friday-news-notes-bpcsa2g32z?e=62b08c2de4

Date added Feb. 2, 2018, 6:09 p.m.
Source Digital Bond
  • Conferences and Seminars North America
  • Conferences IT Security General
  • ICS - Industrial Control and Automation Systems - New Reports In
Venue Miami South Beach, Jan. 15, 2019, midnight - Jan. 17, 2019, midnight