#1536101: BSidesAthens, Athens, Greece: June 24
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BSides was built and has grown over conversations on Twitter, but times are changing, we are on Mastodon now, too. Where's the padlock? About the wiki and HTTPS: Logins are encrypted, but PBWorks does not support HTTPS on custom domains. We are moving to a new platform, but BSides is a volunteer organization and migration will be a significant undertaking. A team has come together, but please be patient as we plan and execute the migration. As of January 2022, there have been 807 BSides events around the world, hosted in 208 cities spanning 60 countries. Through all of those events we have heard many success stories, talks given, projects launched, friendships made, careers accelerated, and much more. Several years ago, we gathered comments for the “What BSides Means to Me” page on the wiki (http://www.securitybsides.com/w/page/87930010/What%20BSides%20Means), now I would like to hear your BSides success stories and share them with the world. Please send your BSides success stories to jack@securitybsides.org and we will add them to the new BSides stories page. We can’t wait to hear your BSides stories. Please report errors or omissions to info@securitybsides.org Event Organizers: Please keep us updated with current event and contact information by email to info@securitybsides.org or use the contact update form Welcome to the Security BSides Community Wiki What is BSides? Each BSides is a community-driven framework for building events for and by information security community members. The goal is to expand the spectrum of conversation beyond the traditional confines of space and time. It creates opportunities for individuals to both present and participate in an intimate atmosphere that encourages collaboration. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from participants. It is where conversations for the next-big-thing are happening. To see what BSides means to the community, check out the page: What BSides Means to Me Please send an email to info@securitybsides.org if you would like to organize a Security BSides event in a city which is not already on the map. We will schedule a conversation to explain the rules and guidelines, and answer questions. Resources are available to help you make the event a success. You can see a brief overview of the ethos and rules on the Guidelines page. Check out the Security BSides Groups and Social Media page to see more ways to keep up with Security BSides Upcoming Events: See the calendar and lists below If you are interested in helping with these events (or any others) as sponsors or volunteers, please check the individual event wiki pages for local coordinator contact information. If there is no contact information available, please send a message to info@securitybsides.org and we'll do our best to put you in contact with the organizers. Past Events : The complete list of events is here on the Event History page. Information and Resources Questions? Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Examples? Take a look at the BSides Las Vegas 01, BSides San Francisco, BSides Bay, and BSides Austin for details of what completed events look like. New here? Join the Security BSides Mailing List, LinkedIn Group, FaceBook BSides Group, SlideShare, or Twitter. Attending? What to expect at a BSides event. Organizing? Read about... organizing. Sponsorship? Interested in Sponsoring this group or one event? Media/Press: Read about the media coverage we get! Information Security and the Law: See how presenters can protect themselves against legal concerns. BSides' History BSides was born out of number of rejections to the CFP for Black Hat USA 2009. A number of quality speakers were rejected, not due to lack of content but lack of space and time. Any constrained system must operate within the bounds to which it has defined itself. Conferences constrain themselves to the eight hours a day for however many days they run. Our goal is to provide people with options by removing those barriers and providing more alternatives for speakers, topics, and events. More BSides History can be found at our History Page Anti-spam policy It makes us all sad, but pointers to external pages from the front page will most likely be deleted without notice. Otherwise the page fills up rapidly with difficult-to-detect spam. Since version 2.0 of PBWiki, users can be authorized as 'Writers' or 'Readers'. By default, new users are authorized as 'Writers', accounts conducting inadequate operations will be turned into 'Readers' as a safety precaution. If the change appears unjustified, please contact the Site Maintainers to restore the normal rights for the corresponding account. Past, Present, and Future BSides Events Note: THIS list right here is the 'definitive list' of upcoming Security BSides events. The links in the event lists _must_ point to a properly formatted Security BSides page (see Using The BSides Wiki for details). If your country isn't listed, perhaps it's time for you to organize a BSides there! |
More info: | http://www.securitybsides.com/w/page/12194156/FrontPage |
Date added | Feb. 13, 2023, 10:23 a.m. |
Source | Security Bsides |
Subjects | |
Venue | Athens, Greece, June 24, 2023, midnight - June 24, 2023, midnight |
Country | Greece |