#1591734: Cutting-edge Fintech innovations & impactful connections for accelerated growth

BRI comment: 1000+ senior attendees. 500+ from banks & other financial institutions. 35+ fintech demos. 100+ insightful speakers.
Description: See market-ready fintech that financial institutions can deploy now. Learn from experts to help you plan for a digital future. Meet leaders who will take your business to the next level.
More info: https://informaconnect.com/finovateeurope

Date added Dec. 4, 2023, 11:58 a.m.
Source informa connect
  • Conferences and Seminars Europe
  • FinTech / Fin Tech / Fin-Tech (Financial Technology)
Venue Intercontinental O2, London, Feb. 27, 2024, midnight - Feb. 28, 2024, midnight
Country United Kingdom