#1608160: RSAC 2024 Agenda - Creating an AI Security and Incident Response Team

Description: What to do when the AI or ML system is acting funky? How does one know when there is a problem? How can one differentiate between a design defect, data poisoning, or an adversary attack? Who can help? Contact the AISIRT! In this session, the CERT experts will share the process of creating the first AISIRT, the learning insights, and how it can help when a system is causing someone to have a really bad day.
More info: https://www.rsaconference.com/usa/agenda/session/Creating%20an%20AI%20Security%20and%20Incident%20Response%20Team

Date added March 11, 2024, 4:57 a.m.
Source RSA Conference
  • AI/ML - Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Artificial General Intelligence - AGI - Various
  • Conferences and Seminars North America
  • Incident Response / Incident Handling
Venue San Francisco, May 6, 2024, midnight - May 6, 2024, midnight
Country USA