#1608176: RSAC 2024 Agenda - On the Wire - An intro to APT Analysis and Hunting

Description: The session will cover identifying, tracking, and analyzing TTPs from a selected threat actor. This session will be hands on with the focus of seeing "what the defender sees" and allow for examples of granularity using ELK, Docker, and other low-cost/no-cost solutions as they sit currently.

This session will follow Chatham House Rule to allow for free exchange of information and learning. We look forward to participants actively engaging in the discussion and remind attendees that no comment attribution or recording of any sort should take place. Media Pass holders, College Day Pass holders, and Security Scholars are not permitted to attend. This is a capacity-controlled session. If added to your schedule and your availability changes, please remove this session from your schedule to allow others to participate.
More info: https://www.rsaconference.com/usa/agenda/session/On%20the%20Wire%20-%20An%20intro%20to%20APT%20Analysis%20and%20Hunting

Date added March 11, 2024, 8:03 a.m.
Source RSA Conference
  • Conferences and Seminars North America
Venue San Francisco, May 6, 2024, midnight - May 6, 2024, midnight
Country USA