#1611466: SCCE Fundamentals of Compliance Investigations - December 16 - 17, 2024

Description: Handle investigations with confidence

Effective compliance programs rely on effective investigators to follow up on reports and identify potential gaps that need attention. If you are a new or future investigator or are on a small team that relies on its members to step into new situations when needed, this workshop is for you! You’ll come away with an understanding of the core principles of investigations and guidance on how best to put them into practice—so you can lead your next investigation with confidence, whenever you’re called upon.

From the comfort of your home or office, you’ll receive detailed and valuable information from experienced investigators Wendy Evans and Georgina Heasman as well as earn Compliance Certification Board (CCB)® continuing education units (CEUs). The workshop is conducted in two manageable half-day sessions, leaving you plenty of time to digest and organize your learning while staying up to date with your daily work as well.

More info: https://my.corporatecompliance.org/s/community-event?id=a1m5f000002ShBJAA0

Date added March 28, 2024, 12:31 p.m.
Source corporatecompliance
  • Compliance regulations / Ethics - Various
  • Generic - Education Technology
  • PodCasts / Webcast / Webinar / eSummit / Virtual Event etc.
Venue Dec. 16, 2024, midnight - Dec. 17, 2024, midnight