#1612221: Fortinet Accelerate 2024 - April 1 - 5 - Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas

Description: Four days of learning, connecting, and exploring.
Today, people, data, and devices are everywhere, and the threat landscape is growing at an unprecedented pace. To ensure the highest level of protection, companies must adopt a fresh approach to security, converging their software, hardware, and cloud technologies.

Step into a new generation of security. Step into the platform era.

More info: https://www.fortinetaccelerate.com/home/home

Date added April 2, 2024, 3:22 p.m.
Source Fortinet Accelerate
  • Conferences and Seminars North America
  • FortiNet - Company
Venue Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, April 1, 2024, midnight - April 5, 2024, midnight
Country USA