#1617642: APWG - eCrime 2024 - September 24 – 26, 2024

Description: The 2024 Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime 2024) examines the economic foundations, behavioral elements, technological exposures, policy aspects and other dimensions that fuel the burgeoning global, multi-billion-dollar cybercrime plexus, at its 19th annual eCrime symposium on September 24 – 26, 2024 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
The selected peer-reviewed papers will be included in the conference’s presentations along with numerous panels and talks from other researchers selected from industrial and academic research centers correspondent with the APWG.

Students requiring discounts should contact symposium managers at apwg_events@apwg.org

The symposium’s proceedings are in English.

Please contact the APWG eCrime organizers for details via email at apwg_events@apwg.org.

Discount codes are also available for university researchers, government personnel and law enforcement professionals from pubic-sector agencies.


APWG eCrime 2024: Taking Back Cyberspace from the Cybercrime Plexus

APWG eCrime 2024 contemplates the dawn of its third decade at the cybercrime frontier by delineating the challenges that await the interveners, investigators, policy makers and stakeholders from private and public sectors attempting to arrest — and reverse — the pandemic spread of cybercrime on our public and private internetworks and the World Wide Web.

The APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (APWG eCrime) therefore is issuing its Call for Papers to announce its 19th annual edition of its peer-reviewed publishing conference – and to celebrate the beginning of its third decade combating cybercrime. APWG eCrime 2024 will be a three-day event hosted in Boston by the directors of the APWG on September 24 to 26, 2024. eCrime conference venue will be posted soon in this space.

APWG eCrime 2024 combines a peer-reviewed conference with general sessions open to industry, government, law enforcement and multilateral organizations, featuring keynote presentations from global thought-leaders, as well as technical and practical operationally focused sessions, and interactive panels. The objective of eCrime is to foster practical collaboration and the exchange of catalytic ideas by academic researchers, industry security practitioners, and law enforcement professionals in the global struggle against cybercrime.


Full Paper registration / submission due: June 23

Notification of acceptance: July 7

Conference: Sept 24-26

Camera-ready paper due: October 25


Artificial Intelligence as criminal co-conspirator – and as defensive collaborator

Addressing challenges of cybercrime’s increasing complexity (e.g. digital infrastructures, crime-fighting/forensic techniques, and the structure of the crimes themselves)

Detecting and/or mitigating eCrime (e.g. online fraud, malware, phishing, ransomware, etc.)

Behavioral and psychosocial aspects of cybercrime victimization – and prevention

Measuring and modeling of cybercrime

Economics of cybercrime

Cybercrime payload delivery strategies and countermeasures (e.g. spam, mobile apps, social engineering, etc.)

Public Policy and Law for cybercrime

Cryptocurrency and related cybercrimes – and forensic tools and techniques for cryptocurrency related cybercrimes

Case studies of current cybercrime attack methods, (e.g. phishing, malware, rogue antivirus programs, pharming, crimeware, botnets, and emerging techniques)

Detecting/preventing abuse of internet infrastructure to neutralize cybercrimes

Detecting/isolating cybercrime gangs’ and attendant money laundering enterprises

Cybercrime’s evolution in specific verticals: (e.g. financial services, e-commerce, health, energy & supplies)

Cybercriminal cloaking techniques – and counter-cloaking tools and approaches

Design and evaluation of UI/UXs to neutralize fraud and enhance user security
More info: https://apwg.org/event/ecrime2024/

Date added April 30, 2024, 10:41 p.m.
Source APWG
  • Anti Phishing Work Group - APWG
  • Conferences and Seminars North America
Venue Boston, Massachusetts, Sept. 24, 2024, midnight - Sept. 26, 2024, midnight
Country USA