#1626447: Interactive Customer Experience (ICX) summit - September 9-11, 2024 | Charlotte, NC

Description: Discover new strategies and tech to elevate the customer experience.

Interactive Customer Experience (ICX) Summit explores the strategies and technologies that innovative brands are implementing to create amazing experiences for their customers.

You’ll hear execs from leading brands – retail, hospitality, travel, restaurants, banking and more – discuss what’s worked for them, what hasn’t and what new things they’re planning for the future.

You’ll also get hands-on demos of cutting-edge technology that can help you transform the customer experience for your brand.
More info: https://icxsummit.com/

Date added June 14, 2024, midnight
Source icxsummit
  • Conferences and Seminars North America
Venue Charlotte, North Carolina, Sept. 9, 2024, midnight - Sept. 11, 2024, midnight
Country USA