#1655899: The Dirt on ROT Data - December 18, 2024 at 1 PM EDT

Description: Redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) data not only bloats storage and increases operational costs; it also exposes businesses to heightened security risks and compliance failures. As organizations grow and data piles up unchecked, it becomes challenging to distinguish the business-critical data from the noise, resulting in operational and financial inefficiencies and a larger attack surface for bad actors.

So how to combat ROT data? Join us on Thursday, December 18th at 10AM PT/1PM ET to hear from experts Drew Russell and Dan Eldad on strategies your team can use to better identify, segment, and remediate ROT data and reduce costs.

The session will cover:

The hidden costs of ROT data
Identifying ROT data through automated data discovery and classification
Leveraging data access governance to optimize storage
Assessing risk to prioritize cleanup of sensitive data
More info: https://dr-resources.darkreading.com/free/w_rubr127/

Date added Dec. 9, 2024, 3:31 p.m.
Source Dark Reading
  • PodCasts / Webcast / Webinar / eSummit / Virtual Event etc.
  • Security Management/Strategic Security/ROI/ROSI
Venue Dec. 18, 2024, midnight - Dec. 18, 2024, midnight