#1657055: Live Webinar | Mastering Cloud Environments: Best Practises for Managing Azure & AWS Data Security

Description: Cloud platforms like Azure and AWS are powerful, but they also present unique data security challenges. This webinar, "Mastering Cloud Environments: Best Practices for Managing Azure & AWS Data Security", is designed for senior-level cybersecurity professionals seeking to navigate these complexities.

Join us to learn how unstructured data can act as a gateway for ransomware and what you can do to mitigate these risks. This session also includes a live demonstration of Rubrik’s capabilities in securing and managing data across AWS and Azure environments, equipping you with the tools to stay ahead of emerging threats.

Key Takeaways:

Strengthening Data Security on Azure and AWS;
Managing Unstructured Data to Prevent Ransomware Attacks;
Exploring Advantages of Advanced Data Management Tools for Cloud Platforms.
More info: https://www.databreachtoday.eu/webinars/live-webinar-mastering-cloud-environments-best-practises-for-managing-w-6022?user_email=aaa@e-secure-it.com&rf=2024-12-16_VENDOR_SUB_.93_DBT__Slot6_WEB6022&mkt_tok=MDUxLVpYSS0yMzcAAAGXbT6_ldacZaIW71pmlQ5lX7huUvpXwDCLg-uKfCNbmgvJkCrz3Jleh3Tzjg4Ug3OrfhFtlCDG98K8HkwdAj_mKweeeZakM7bFnNCPhC_xTBrMjw

Date added Dec. 16, 2024, 8:56 a.m.
Source Data Breach Today
  • AWS- Amazon Web Services
  • Cloud Security
  • Microsoft Azure - Also, Open Management Infrastructure / OMI / OMI Vulnerabilities / OMIGOD Flaw / AutoWarp Vulnerability
  • PodCasts / Webcast / Webinar / eSummit / Virtual Event etc.
  • Ransomware - Cyber Extortion - New Reports in
Venue Jan. 16, 2025, midnight - Jan. 16, 2025, midnight