#1664682: SentinelLabs Threat Intelligence: 2024 in Review

Description: Overview
Our team of research experts at SentinelLabs has conducted a thorough analysis of the past year's threats in the cybersecurity landscape, and they’re ready to share their findings and insights with the security community.

Take advantage of this opportunity to stay updated on the latest cybersecurity threat intelligence and ensure that your organization stays protected from novel malicious actors.

During this webinar, join our threat research team for the SentinelLabs Threat Intelligence: 2024 in Review, to hear about:

Threats - The most current and emerging cyber threats facing the world
Best Practices - Best practices for defending against these emerging threats
Impact - Real-world examples of the impact of these threats on organizations
Tips & Techniques -Tips and techniques for improving your overall cybersecurity posture
More info: https://go.sentinelone.com/threat-intelligence-review-by-sentinellabs-emea-plf-en.html?utm_source=email-marketing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=slabs-threat-intelligence-2024-emea-plf&utm_content=webinar

Date added Feb. 4, 2025, 10:24 a.m.
Source Sentinel One
  • PodCasts / Webcast / Webinar / eSummit / Virtual Event etc.
  • Security Management/Strategic Security/ROI/ROSI
  • Security Tips and Tricks - Various
Venue Feb. 20, 2025, midnight - Feb. 20, 2025, midnight